Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Chicken Mania!!

Mike has a bunch of eggs in the incubator now.  They are scheduled to hatch next week.  I'm not sure of the date, as I do not know the exact day he put them in there.  I'm sure he has it recorded in his "Bawk Bawk Book" as he calls it.  But this time he used an egg turner that he got from someone else.  I couldn't notice how it was working, but I suppose we will see. It should be interesting because I think there is a variety of eggs from a variety of chickens.  This will be our last batch, too, because all the hens have quit laying altogether.  I will certainly have to get pics of them all when or if they hatch.  They should be hatching while Robert is here.  He will be arriving Friday afternoon.  I know he would enjoy that because I always do, and I've been there a couple of times for it.

Well, I am mainly blogging today to let everyone know that I have found some new chicken friends.  When you are a chicken raiser you cannot have too many chicken raiser friends.  All you guys who have chickens or just enjoy reading about them, I'd like to highly encourage you to check out these sites.  I have added them to my clog roll.


Becca's Dirt said...

Good afternoon. Mom and Pop's chickens laid a couple of eggs about 3 weeks ago and haven't laid another since. The others are now more than 9 months old and have not laid an egg yet. He is providing them with laying mash - maybe they'll begin to lay soon.

That should be real interesting when all those eggs hatch and you aren't yet sure what they will be. Surprise!

Chicken Boys said...

I have some sex links that started laying and have quit. I'm wondering if it's just the weather change or if they will quit through the winter.

Christine said...

Hi there, just stopped by from Nancy's place. Always nice to meet another chicken lover.

Odette Bautista Mikolai said...

yes, it wil be exciting to see eggs slowly cracking and finally give way to new chicks. hope all of them will hatch.

Tracey said...

Can you take photographs please!!!!

bubble said...

awww...I reckon we should get an incubator next year!

bawk bawk book??? rofl thats great! xx

Chicken Boys said...

Tracey, I would LOVE to take some pics. Really, I would. But I'm now camera-less, and I just can't swing a new camera right now. I'm going to start check pawn shops for used ones maybe.