Friday, July 24, 2009

Gotta Roll Out

Hey everybody! How has your week gone? Mine has been so very busy. I've had so much to do before I have to leave for Florida. Well, obviously that has kept me from blogging like I'd like to do. But it's all good, right? I didn't even get things done here at work that had to be done. I'm making some notes so those here can help me out. I'd hate to come back to work and be way backed up with 2 or 3 week old stuff. On top of that, I had to go to court again this morning for a ticket I got back in February. This is the fourth time I've gone to court over it!! I was trying to get it thrown out, but I've had no luck. The judge gave me one more continuance, to which the assistant district attorney objected. I guess I will just have to pay the lousy fines! But I'm digressing. I have no pics for today. I did lose another bitty. He got into a water dish and drowned. It was awful. He had one eye open and one closed. I buried it in the yard. I"m down to nine now. But I should have some new bitties by the time I get back. I leave Sunday morning for Florida, and I'll be gone for 2 weeks. But I'll get some pics while I'm down there and tell y'all all about it when I get back! Y'all behave, and I'll see you soon!!



Tracey said...

Have fun, Can't wait to see some pics! xxxxxx

Cal said...

What's a bitty? Trying to visualise the poor thing lying in the water dish isn't easy! Look forward to the pics.
Cal x