Friday, July 24, 2009
Gotta Roll Out
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Support Our Troops

No, today is not Memorial Day. Nor is it Veterans Day. It is not V-J Day or V-E Day. It is none of those special days we have set aside to remember those who have fought for, and have even given their lives for, our freedom. No, this is just another ordinary day. We go to work, we walk our dogs, we watch television, we go shopping, we buy groceries, and do all the things we do every week in our every day lives. But our soldiers are still in Iraq. They are still in Afghanistan. Our news stations regularly announce death and destruction in these wars, but often it becomes just another far and away news story for the simple fact that we have heard it day in and day out for the past eight years.
Well, today is not just another ordinary day for those over there. Each day is lived on a wing and a prayer that God will protect each of them and bring them home safely. Today's blog is a tribute to our soldiers, our airmen, our marines, our sailors. I, now, take a moment of silence for the fallen........and offer a salute to those who still are fighting for us today, our HEROS.
(The above photos are actual photos taken by soldiers in Baghdad, Iraq.)
Friday, July 17, 2009
My brother is staying with us. He moved back from Texas a few weeks ago, and is now job hunting. Till he can get himself settled he will stay with us for a while. He just called me a few minutes ago to tell me that Bojangles, the Dominique rooster has escaped and has gone missing. I'm not home, so there's nothing can do about it. I'll have search when I get home this evening.
I got to count the bantam babies yesterday afternoon. There was 11 of them. A short while later I found one dead in their little coop. I'm not sure if Bucky killed it or not. He's a little bit of a hyped up one. Just to be on the safe side, He got put by himself for a few weeks. He is close by, so

This is China. She has finally come out into the sunshine! Well, what she could find. We had some nasty thunderstorms yesterday. But the babies were all running about. I had to pick one up. They are so incredibly tiny!! And adorable. Of course one of my bantam pullets is all white, and one of Henry's friends wanted a white one. So, I guess if I get a white hen out of the three white ones, I will have to give it to him. Unless I give him my white pullet. Then I could breed one of my white ones to the cockrel (full grown rooster by then) that I now have. Whatever. I'm digressing just now.
I have so many jalapenos! Mike makes those jalapeno things with the shrimp, cream cheese, and bacon. I love those things. But I have never made jelly. (at least not on my own...I have helped others when Iwas a kid.) So I was searching for some recipes on the internet today for jalapeno jelly. I have four for hot jelly, one for mild jelly, one for mint jalapeno jelly, and one for raspberry jalapeno jelly. If any of you have any recipes you'd like to share, please feel free to e-mail them to me. .
Y'all have a most wonderful weekend. I'll blog at ya later!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
A Few Things

One Moving Day

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
New Borns?

Monday, July 13, 2009
Florida Bound

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My jalapenos did great! One plant put out peppers later than the others. But that's because it just kept growing! It's not huge by any standards, but it is larger than the others. Mike makes these great jalapeno popper things. Slice a jalapeno in half. (canned, pickled jalapenos work, too, and are not as hot.) Scoop out the seeds. Spoon in a little bit of cream cheese. Cover with a raw shrimp. Wrap with a piece of bacon. Grill on the grill or bake in the oven for 15 minutes or until the shrimp and bacon are done enough! I love these things!! They are great right off the grill or out of the fridge, cold!!

This is one of my sad (also planted late) straight neck squash plants. I have neglected that end of the garden. All the grass and weeds have grown up around them and my cucumbers. My okra is okay, but I still don't have any okra yet. I planted my crook neck squash early, and thy have fizzled out. That is, the ones that the worms didn't kill. My tomatoes have not faired well, either. Worms got them, too. :(

Monday, July 6, 2009
No More Holiday : (