Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Nest Box Giveaway And A Job

Well, I had a nice little visit with my aunt.  Last time I saw her she was in the hospital.  She just had surgery and was a bit out of it.  She just celebrated her 80th birthday!  She looks great for 80, too!  She left Monday to fly to New York to visit friends.

I rounded up the little chicks yesterday evening and put them in cages.  Man, that was hard!  Those things can move!  And they kept running into a little grove of trees half grown with shrubbery.  It took about 45 minutes to catch seven of the buggers.  I caught them because there were nearly 15 or so of them, but they kept disappearing one by one.  I figured predators have had enough of my chickens.  Altogether I have 16 little ones wating to find a home.  NO, make that 19 of them.  I forgot the Black Austrolorps.  Got three of them.  Got an ad in the Bargain Trader coming out tomorrow.  We will see how it goes, I guess.

I've heard nothing on the job.  A friend who works in the CO2 department said they should be contacting me by week's end for an interview.  As of Friday, there were 10 applicants, but my boss sent in another application today.  And I don't know how many more may have applied on line.  I will ceratainly keep you all posted.

AND NOW..... for all you chicken keepers out there!  Pam over at Life On A Southern Farm is giving away a 3-HOLE CHICKEN NEST BOX!!
Ain't she a beaut!!  And she can be yours!  All you have to do is go over to her blog Nest Box Giveaway and post a comment!  You also get extra entries for blogging and tweeting and all that jazz!!  Good luck to all who enter!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Randy, How wonderful to hear fromyou and to learn that your aunt has recovered well from her surgery. She is certainly very intrepid going off to New York.

Chicken are indeed a great deal of work. I do think that some people think that keeping chicken would be fun whereas it is, in reality, an enormous responsibility.

It seems to me that you have been kept waiting about the job for a very long time. This is so unsettling. I do so hope that you will get good news soon.

Melodie said...

Glad you had a great visit!Thanks for the heads up on the give away ,I am going right over and check it out!

John Going Gently said...

I hope the work thing sorts itself out for you.....
if you could do any job in the world,randy, what would it be????

LindaG said...

Happy Birthday to your Aunt!

When you say Bargain Trader, do you mean the Carolina Bargain Trader, as in CBT?

You get that tomorrow?
We don't get it until Saturday usually. I think we need to make a trip to Pamlico county or something if you get it on Wednesday...

Good luck winning the nest box! :)

Odette Bautista Mikolai said...

i can't help but picture you bent over and running around trying to catch those flighty creetins!

Tracey said...

Randy, please come back to FB. Amy really would love to keep in touch with you! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tracey said...

msg received & understood! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

BadPenny said...

You said at mine about exercise ...think you got plenty running after those chickens !

LindaG said...

Randy, I think it may come out on Thursday, but I'm not sure. If it's not out yet you won't get any calls. Check the date before you buy. We can get it on Friday if we want to drive to Kinston to do it. Might be in Greenville on Friday. The date on my old one is Friday to Friday. Next one will be 17th to the 24th. :)
Are you a member of the NC poultry Yahoo group? People there buy and sell chickens all the time. Bantams too.
Check them out. http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/ncpoultry2/
You can set it to no email (read on web), digest, etc so you won't get a lot of email. I've learned a lot of good stuff there already. :)

Nekkid Chicken said...

Awe nice to have family around from older generations. As I grow with my sons; I realize they will not have the benefit of a Maw Maw or Great Aunt Uccle. HUGS, Mal

Little Messy Missy said...

An ATC stands for Artist Trading Card. They are so fun to make. It is art on a 2 1/2 inch x 3 1/2 inch card-stock. I use old vintage playing cards for mine. You should Google it. They are easy and fun to make. I have quite a collection from around the world. They can be altered art, painting drawings...etc.

Marie Anne said...

Chasing and trying to catch chickens is one of my most favorite things to do - NOT!

Nice nest boxes, but I'll pass since I have outside nest boxes already. Good luck to everyone entering!