Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Slow Go of Things

Well, the title says it all, I guess. I've kinda thought of posting a few times, but there's not much progress right now. We've partly moved. I'm taking Thursday and Friday off of work. We'll finish moving over the weekend. We were driving past the house last weekend, and a deer was in the front yard. No neighbors on the left, right, front, or rear. Just pine trees all around. The peace and quiet and privacy will be wonderful. I really can't wait. Not to mention, I've got a bunch of stuff on Pinterest I would like to do. I've taken a few pics to post on here, but I haven't had any luck in that department yet. They're not the best pics, though. It's a work in progress. Besides, I'm a bit reluctant to post any before pics without progress. I'm not sure if It's because I'm afraid you'll call us brave or nuts or maybe it will be discouraging. Either way, we've certainly got our work cut out for us.