Monday, February 1, 2010

Snowy, Icy Weekend

Very busy lately.  Got a lot going on.  Got snow, followed by ice, followed by rain this weekend.  Just gonna post a few pics.
The Road We Live On

The Field Behind Our House Just Before Sunrise (Nearly Full Moon)

Ice on the Maple Tree I Planted This Summer

Max is Using The Back Porch

Snow In The Bird Bath

Mike Coming Out To Play In The Snow

Our Front Yard


John Going Gently said...

mike looks a little "seriel killer-ish" on the porch!

your house looks great is it wooden built? hard to tell from your photo?

Jimmy said...

Is Mike "bearded" for hunting season? He looks very serious and on a mission.

Gill - That British Woman said...

oh the joys of winter. I am so over winter at this point,

Gill in Canada, popped by from the Hen House

Odette Bautista Mikolai said...

soooooo cold, brrrrr! here, it's all sunny and bright.

Chickens in the Basement said...

No school tomorrow! I'm ready for this snow to melt and to have 100 degree temps in July! I promise I won't whine!

joanne said...

looks pretty but I remember how miserable the icy/snowy roads can be. You be careful out there!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Your front yard reminds me of Alaska and Wisconsin...Or is that my front yard here in Virginia!! :-))

Little Messy Missy said...

Max is very photogenic! lol

Cat said...

NICE photos! I always hate when we get ice. My Husband loves to be my great protector. This is a good thing as I am a klutz of the first order. This is not so good after several days of being stuck in the house as he's afraid I will end up on my... end. (Ironically, HE was the one to do so, last ice storm...!)

Take care with all that nonsense. The weather will change, honest!


Tracey said...

It looks lovely! xxx

farmlady said...

Is this a typical winter in North Carolina? It looks really cold and Mike doesn't look too happy about it.

I hope the sun shines soon...

Callie Brady said...

Wow! That's a big front yard. Everything looks so pretty in the snow.

bubble said...

RIGHT...Ames is coming over to stay with you a while...OK?! Looks fab!!


Chicken Boys said...

Okay, to answer each of you.
John, I didn't look that closely at the pics before I posted. Mike does have that grrr... face. He doesn't like me to take his pic, but says I don't have enough pics of him. You tell me.

Jim, Mike's beard comes and goes like a cat. Some times he grows it, some times he shaves it for a while. It's a mood thing I guess.

Gill, thank you for stopping by! Lovely to have you here.

Ummm, what else. This is a typical eastern North Carolina winter. We get a good few inches of snow once or twice a year. The rest of the winter is usually just cold and miserable. And if we get precipitation, it's often rain because it's just above freezing. Does that sound about right?

Callie, I do have a good size yard. There were no trees when we moved in last year. I planted a Maple, a Magnolia, and a Holly in the front yard, but they are still pretty small. I have a Gum tree for the back yard, but it's only about 18" right now. It's a blank canvas.

As for the snow. I got it for the year. Now I'm done. I'm with Anna. 90 degree Julys are a fav for me with super long days, and Mike telling me to come in from the field for dinner cause it's after 8 p.m. Sigh. Summer. Can't wait.

Joanna@BooneDocksWilcox said...

we had some snow this weekend and now we have a freezing-rain thing going on.

LemonyRenee' said...

Great pics. But what were you doing up so early?? Well, lucky us, because it is a beautiful picture.

LemonyRenee' said...

Well, Randy, if you're up that early for work, whaddya say you watch my boy for me those mornings . . . he fancies himself a rooster, I think . . . he's up at dawn, the latest. Me? Not so much.