Tuesday, October 27, 2009

As Big As A Bus

Halloween is coming up this weekend.  Of course, I am planning nothing.  No parties, no decorating, no costumes.  I'm just not that in to it this year.  I am going to my sister's Saturday, but I'm not sure when I'll be home.  I'll probably keep some candy on hand just in case any kids drop by, though.  I did get to work yesterday morning, and looked out my window to see a spider had made its web there.  I thanked it for placing the festive decor for me.  Then, I thought of snapping a picture.  Just as I was about to take the pic a university bus was traveling by.  I thought it was to coolest thing.  I have never seen a spider as big as a bus!!  It looks to me as though the spider might even be trying to attack the bus!  Ahhhh!!  Run for your lives!  It's a 1960's horror film!!


John Going Gently said...

as a child no one in Britain ever celebrated Halloween....we kept our winter celebrations for Bon fire night on the 5th of November
today, a whole manner of little people seem to be ambling around in the dark collecting sweets.......bah! not if they knock on our door!!!

Chicken Boys said...

A bonfire sounds like a lot of fun. I went to one when I was in 9th grade (14 years old), and I hated it. Almost all the kids were seniors, and I didn't know them. I had my face painted in school colors, and bored I started walking large circles around the fire. After about 20 minutes I noticed most people were gone. I looked behind me to see that they were all single file lined up following me. That was extremely embarrassing!!

Odette Bautista Mikolai said...

here people are busy cleaning up the graves for Nov. 1st. they put new paint, remove weeds, clean the surroundings, etc. however many others don't have a grave to visit come ALL Souls Day because in some places the cemetery had been covered by mud due to landslide. others are still in knee deep flood.
but Filipinos all over the country will be flocking the cemetery to spend a day with their dearly departed on your Halloween. we don't scare people nor don scary costume or have candies to give out. we instead remember our dead by being with them.
where is the spider now?

Tracey said...

You must have been so bored at work! I don't agree with trick or treating, we don't get any to our house though because we live in the middle of nothing so it's too far out & too dark!! Yay! XXX

farmlady said...

You should be making movies with that kind of imagination. Cool picture!

Becca's Dirt said...

Me - I won't be doing anything either. I will be ready if I have any goblins come by - and I may have a date. Yeah!