Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Too Many Chickens

I got more chickens yesterday. I got seven more to be exact. I got a white Silkie rooster and a splash Silkie pullet. I also got five black/blue Orphington roosters. I have got to get rid of some of my chickens!! I don't really want to, but I really have too many now. In fact, I just did a quick count, and unless I'm missing a chicken or two, I now have 63 roosters, chickens, and chicks. I am wanting to get into breeding pure breeds. My silkies are pure breeds, and the black and blue Orphingtons are pure breeds. The white leghorns are pure breeds, but they came from a Perdue farm. They were fed hormones nd stuff to help them grow big, fast. I think the black sex links are pure, but I can't verify that. So I will HAVE to take some to auction in a couple of weeks. Do you know how much food that is? It's A LOT!! I have to get up earlier just to fed them in the morning before work. I was a few minutes late this morning. But they are so fun. My little buff and red chicks are about 3 weeks old and keep getting out. They are running everywhere! The bantam chicks are about 5 weeks old and run everywhere, too. They are the same size, too. They are so adorable. I have a guy that's coming to get the bantam chicks soon.
I gotta get a new camera so I can get pics back up. Y'all have a good day!!


Tracey said...

63!!!!!!!!!! Are you mad? LOL xxx

bubble said...

wow!!!! 63!!! i was so upset when i had to get rid of my orpington rooster but he was just so big compared with my wyandotte and frizzle roosters i couldnt keep him!!

its great you have so many!! x :)

Cal said...

Thanks for cushion comment! Any chance of pics of these hens - not being a hen keeper I can't visualise them ;>

Tracey said...

Sorry if I offended you..... It's only a joke, I love all things American!!!!!!!! I took the p*** out of the UK First LOL XXX

John Going Gently said...

you beat me I have 58 hens 8 ducks and 2 turkeys!